Sunday 3 February 2013

January 27 - Random street festival, and BATS!

Today we relaxed a bit in the morning, and then decided to go out to Steve and Ruby's favourite vietnamese restaurant for dinner. As we drove down to Chinatown, we realized that the major streets were closed off for some random street festival. It was a good taste of what my upcoming trip to SE Asia may be like. Very crowded, delicious smells, loud music, crazy junk for sale everywhere.

We had dinner and decided to go for a drive afterwards. Steve took us on a beautiful drive around Melbourne as the sun started setting. Then we pulled into a park in a river valley, and Steve told me to get out of the car because he wanted to show me something... We walked down to the riverbank, and it took me awhile, but I soon noticed all the trees were FULL OF BATS.

They were actually everywhere, all along the river valley. The noise was insane. They were juuuust starting to wake up for the night, and you could see them stretching out their wings and starting to glide from tree to tree. They were really big, but after awhile of looking at them I thought they were pretty cute. They had little reddish brown faces... Ok the verdict is still out on how cute they are... It was totally creepy. And cool.
Casper took the park opportunity to run around being 2. He and Steve rough housed for a bit, and then it home time.

We drove a very scenic route home, and watched the sun set over Melbourne.

Then we stopped for a delicious Australian ice cream treat with a very unfortunate name...

All in all, a good day. Tomorrow Steve and I are going to an Australia Day weekend BBQ concert in the afternoon. A bunch of bands are playing. I'm excited!
Until next time.
Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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