Sunday 30 December 2012

Day 0 - Departures


I have been spreading the word that I might start a travel blog to keep friends and family updated on my travels over the next 4 months. Well here it is!

Disclaimer - as much as a like to pretend I'm fairly tech-savvy, I basically have no idea what I'm doing here. I am writing this on my brand new Christmas/graduation/travel buddy iPad. I have a feeling we will fast become best friends. Right now we are still figuring each other out, pushing each others buttons, testing each others limits. But last night we spent the night in bed together watching Netflix, which was a lovely first date. Tomorrow we fly to Sydney, Australia via Vancouver and Shanghai. I think sharing a few 10+ hr flights will help us to get to know each other. I still miss Computer, which Joel will be babysitting for the next few months before hopefully reuniting with me and iPad in London in May. I can't wait until we are all together again, one happy family. It will be nice to see Joel, too.

I've had a lovely Christmas in Edmonton. Lindsay was missed! It's strange how family dynamics just aren't the same without one missing link. I missed Lindsay and Mom's bizarro chattering and laughing while Joel and I squint and try and figure out what the heck they are going on about. We had a few Skype sessions with her though, and she's trooping around China on not enough sleep but still enough enthusiasm! That sister of mine has an attitude that could melt glaciers. Which might come in handy because apparently it is freezing cold in the Chinese concert halls she's been performing in. Bonne courage out there my favourite twin!

I'm about to go pack up my moderately-sized travel backpack with all the belongings I'll be carrying for the next 4 months. I am not generally the travelling light type, but having to carry everything on your back is turning out to be a great motivator. I'm probably going to spend the rest of the day trying to decide what shoes to bring, then run out of time, throw a few handfuls of clothing in, and call it "packed". Part of the purpose of this trip is to develop new life skills... I guess I'll start with decision-making, mixed with a good dose of making due with what's on my back.

I leave early tomorrow for a week in Sydney, where it is the middle of summer. I absolutely can't wait! I'll post picture from the beach in no time.

Talk to you soon.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Edmonton, AB

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